Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University


Bibliographic description:
Okhlupina O. V.
ABOUT COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE WEIGHT CLASS OF ENTIRE FUNCTIONS // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2019. №4. . - С. 3-11.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2019-4-3-11UDK: 517.53
Due to a number of well-known works by K. Weierstrass, J. Hadamard, E. Borel devoted to factorization of the classes of entire functions, the construction of factoriza- tion representations of different classes of functions continues to be relevant. Modern authors, such as M. M. Dzhrbashjan, W. Heyman, M. Tsuji, F. A. Shamoyan, A. Shirokov, B. N. Khabibullin, B. I. Korenblum, K. Seip, H. Hedenmalm successfully work in this field and publish their advances. The obtained factorization represen- tations of special classes of functions are used for solution of the problems of operator theory and approximation theory. A complete description of various functional classes includes both factorization and characterization of root sets. The article is devoted to the construction of a representation of the class of entire functions of the complex variable with weight from Lp-spaces. We prove our assertions using the methods of complex and functional analysis.
factorization representation; entire function; root sets; continued prod- uct; factor; order of entire function; complete description; plane of complex numbers; counting function; estimate.
List of references:
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